

Monday, February 17, 2014

This really bothers me.

So you buy strawberry flavored candy or milkshakes or gum or whatever, right? These things might say naturally or artificially flavored, but very few of them actually have strawberries in them. Natural flavor is just a chemical whose production technology is out of date. Artificial flavor is just a chemical whose production technology is recent.  Eric Schlosser taught me that.

Yeah, I'm not going to look up the page number for those definitions.

So, it doesn't bother me that these things don't taste like strawberries. I don't expect them to. What bothers me is that they all taste like each other. It's as if all the mad scientist flavor inventors got together and devised a flavor for strawberry and grape and lemon and all the other fruits, then decided that no matter how these flavors are brewed in the lab, they must not deviate. Everything on the shelf has to taste the same. No exceptions. And also no strawberries.

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